Interested in carrying on the WakeScout mission?

For the past 15 years, it has been my pleasure to provide the worldwide water sport community with WakeScout, your resource to discover all the places in the world where you can get on the water to enjoy your favorite water sport.

I have made the decision to join you and travel the world, visiting WakeScout entities around the globe and shred incredible water in idyllic locations.

Over the next few months, I hope to transition the site to a new ownership team. If you or your organization has an interest in carrying on the vision in support of our worldwide water sport community, please feel free to reach out.

Thanks very much for your tremendous support of WakeScout!


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Buchli Lake Waterski Club

Buchli Lake Waterski Club

  • Water Sport Clubs


Queen Creek

Alt. Email:
(480) 899-5143
Alt. Phone:

Water Sports

  • Waterski
  • Tricks
  • Jump


  • Slalom Course


Buchli ski lake is an Arizona tournament waterski lake. Located in one of the fastest growing areas of the country. Properly constructed and maintained shorelines make skiing conditions at Buchli Ski Lake unsurpassed.

Memberships: Lease/option - $300,000. Cost: Initial Payment- $150,000. Monthly Maintenance Fee: $600/month adjusted yearly. Due Upon conveyance of Deed: $60,000. What Lessee Receives: 1. 30 Minute Rotation. 2. Parking area for Lessee's Boat Lift on Dock System on water. 3. Access to Lake every day except during tournaments

Additional details

Boat(s) in Use:
Available Gear:
No- Bring own
Hours of Operation:
Please contact in advance to arrange
Reservations Required:
Please contact in advance to arrange
Water Located On:
Buchli Lake
Water Temperature:
Other Watercraft Traffic:
Additional on-site activities, accommodations:

Other WakeScout listings in the area that may interest you!