Ecovila da Lagoa
- Cable Wake Parks
- Water Sport Resorts
Planaltina de Goiás
- Email:
- Please use the contact form on our website
- Phone:
- +55 61 99613-4147
- Alt. Phone:
- +55 61 98365-0011
- Facebook:
- https://www.facebook.com/ecoviladalagoa/
Water Sports
- Wakeboard
- Waterski
Ecovila da Lagoa's cable park offers water skiing and kite boarding opportunities on our private lake in Planaltina de Goiás, Brazil.
Additional details
- Boat(s) in Use:
- --
- Available Gear:
- --
- Hours of Operation:
- --
- Reservations Required:
- --
- Water Located On:
- --
- Water Temperature:
- --
- Other Watercraft Traffic:
- --
- Additional on-site activities, accommodations:
- --