Kamencové Jezero
- Cable Wake Parks
Sportovní Areál Tomáše ze štítného
Tomáše ze Štítného
430 01 Chomutov
Czech Republic
- Email:
- recepce@kamencovejezero.cz
- Alt. Email:
- infocentrum@chomutov-mesto.cz
- Phone:
- +420 731 441 869
- Alt. Phone:
- +420 474 688029
- Website:
- http://www.kamencovejezero.cz
- Instagram:
- https://www.instagram.com/kamencovejezero/
- Facebook:
- https://www.facebook.com/kamencakchomutov/
Water Sports
- Wakeboard
- Waterski
SKamencové Jezeroports is located in the immediate vicinity of Alum Lake in Chomutov, Czech Republic. Enthusiasts will be delighted by the wide range of sports activities, such as mini golf, beach volleyball, streetball, table tennis, badminton or football. You can also rent pedal boats, pumps or paddleboards from us. The large open pond offers wakeboarding and water skiing every adrenaline lover will appreciate! We also did not forget about the children, for whom we have a playground and a newly created rope center.
Additional details
- Boat(s) in Use:
- --
- Available Gear:
- Yes
- Hours of Operation:
- 9am-7pm - May-September
- Reservations Required:
- --
- Water Located On:
- Alum Lake
- Water Temperature:
- --
- Other Watercraft Traffic:
- --
- Additional on-site activities, accommodations:
- --