Wake Master Areály – Česká Lípa
- Cable Wake Parks
Česká Lípa
Czech Republic
- Email:
- info@wakearealy.cz
- Alt. Email:
- michal.ptacek@wakesport.cz
- Phone:
- +420 721 096 479
- Alt. Phone:
- +420 774 181 219
- Website:
- https://www.wakesport.cz/
- Instagram:
- https://www.instagram.com/wakesportpark_ceskalipa/
- Facebook:
- https://www.facebook.com/Wake-Master-are%C3%A1l-%C4%8Cesk%C3%A1-L%C3%ADpa-625743787576703/?fref=ts
Water Sports
- Wakeboard
- Waterski
- Wakesurf
- Wakeskate
- Rails/Kickers/Ramps/Boxes
Wake Master Areály - Česká Lípa, Dubice has 2 lifts for beginners with a rope height of 6 m and 2 lifts for advanced riders with a rope height of 9 m. In addition to water activities with us, you can use your free time for mini golf, beach volleyball or table tennis. Near the complex there is also a national natural monument Peklo. There is also minigolf, beach volleyball and table tennis, with nice natural surroundings. Parking: free, capacity 200 cars, right in our areal
Additional details
- Boat(s) in Use:
- --
- Available Gear:
- Wakeboards, waterskis, wakeskate, wakesurf, vests, helmets, ..
- Hours of Operation:
- 10:00AM - 8:00PM
- Reservations Required:
- Only for large group
- Water Located On:
- --
- Water Temperature:
- Summer 26C
- Other Watercraft Traffic:
- --
- Additional on-site activities, accommodations:
- --